Thursday, October 14, 2010

Attack of the Roseola

eating his rice crackers and drinking his blackcurrant baby juice whilst watching his favourite, Yo Gabba Gabba.
My poor Jaiden got Roseola from his god-sister Aurora's cousin Zainab, when we were over last Friday. Her mum told me about it but I didn't let him go near her, despite her being locked up in the bedroom all day anyway. But he somehow still managed to get it and so did Aurora & her brother John. Just shows how sensitive babies can really be hey?!

So from Saturday, he had been getting a fever which was constantly on/off (symptom) and when I gave him a bath on Tuesday afternoon, I noticed he had red spots everywhere. I knew he had contracted it already since this followed his fever but I took him to the doctors to be double sure. Though the doctor misdiagnosed Jaiden for having the chicken pox. Then I asked Kaecee what it was and there was no way he would've gotten the chicken pox at this age (even though it can happen)!

So until this day (Thursday) it's still haunting him and the poor guy, he's been so unfit to play (most of the day) and the rest are mostly consumed with him being in my arms because he just wants mummy's hugs. I'm not dreading that at all, because I love his hugs but I wish he were a lot better than his state now because it's just so sad to see him so drowsy and so energy drained.

Thankfully I was able to read quite a lot of online forums/websites about this sickness or I'd be stressing so hard about it! It says it could take up to 1 week to heal up and go away, so hopefully that will be the case for Jaiden. Pity there is nothing to cure it, but to just give the normal fever relievers to lessen it.

he was sooking to go outside, so I put his baby thongs on and we went for a little walk around the backyard pavement, until he was basically tired of walking.

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